Soul Candy

Eye Candy for Soul Candy
Soul Candy is a professional blog aimed at sharing inspirational, spiritual, and downright fun articles with its readership. Jennifer, Soul Candy’s founder was so happy with the end site that she insisted we take the biggest of her ad spots so everyone can see who designed her beloved site. Thanks Jen!
What the client says
My experience working with Cluster One Media has been absolutely positive in every way, and the web design far exceeded my expectations. I have never had more personalized, genuinely client-focused services. Cluster One is highly, highly recommended. My designer, Jeff, is a web genius, period. He listened to what I wanted and really designed everything to meet my business needs. His time and attention was worth his weight in gold. The end result is that I now have a user-friendly, visible, attractive and professional website that is basically the face of my business and the first impression clients get of me online. I routinely accept inquiries and great feedback from visitors to the site/potential new clients who really fit my target market audience, because Jeff knew exactly how to package and market me in the ideal way for my field. If you are considering hiring Cluster One to do a web design or SEO project, proceed with confidence…you’re in excellent hands!
-Jennifer A.
Editor-In-Chief, Soul Candy
- Creative direction
- Branding
- Logo design
- WordPress blog design
- Social media integration
- RSS feed
- Homepage article slider